Coaching Resoucres

Coach Resources

The link below provides further helpful links to assist you as a coach, including Long Term Athlete Development (LTAD) documents, drills, sample practice plans, and coaching tips.

ALA Coaching Resources

Coaching Drills

Coach Manual

CLA 2020 Rule and Situation Handbook

Blank Practice Planner

Concussion Action Plan


Lacoka Lacrosse Association

Coach Guidelines 

Parent and Player Conduct

1. Every coach will hold a parent and player meeting within the first week of the season to outline expectations for the upcoming season.

- volunteer positions required (manager, timekeeper schedule)

-  attendance

- procedure for absences

- practice and game conduct

- dressing room conduct

- procedure and contact information for parents and players to relay concerns

- review parent and player pledge forms outlining expectations for  conduct

- review policies and implications of unacceptable conduct. Our goal is to ensure that all parents and players are aware that Lacoka Lacrosse has a zero tolerance policy for bullying and harrassment that can result in the loss of the priviledge to play or participate in lacrosse.

2. Coaches are expected to maintain a presence in the dressing room throughout the season, at all levels. This may include direct supervision by two adults in the younger divisions and a strong ongoing presence in the higher levels. Coaches are expected to monitor dressing room behaviour for the safety of all athletes.

The Lacrosse Fits program is a great resource for coaches, parents, and teachers. The 7 module program is filled with excellent, easy to read drills for all levels. 
Click on the link below to take advantage of this excellent resource...
Don't forget about the practice planning tools available through the NCCP web site. Log in with your password and you will have access to a season planner, practice plans, drill library and many more valuable resources.  Please click the link to sign in and get started.


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